How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

I can respect something that loud and annoying. [src]

Berg Hoarsbrumbles are a group of Hoarsbrumbles appearing in the gameDragons: Titan Uprising.

Official Description[]

Berg Hoarsbrumbles patrol the coast in the tundra on the hunt for fish. Lots of fish. They live in packs, but each Hoarsbrumble carefully guards their particular patch of territory. Territorial disputes, which occur frequently, are often resolved (temporarily) with shouting matches.
  Dragons: Titan Uprising  

Physical Appearance[]

Berg Hoarsbrumbles are primarily a shade of pale blue, coupled with yellow eyes and a light-colored soft plated underbelly. They usually have two white horns on their head and one at the end of their snout.

In-game Statistics[]




Berg Hoarsbrumble uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Dragons Titan Uprising Wiki page Berg Hoarsbrumble. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). Wiki-Wordmark-TU

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