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The Bashem Oiks are a Tribe in the Barbaric Archipelago first mentioned briefly in Book 3, How to Speak Dragonese.


The Bashem Oiks, like most of the Tribes in the Barbaric Archipelago, have active blood feuds with other tribes. As of How to Speak Dragonese they have a blood feud with the Bog-Burglar Tribe, Meathead Tribe, Outcast Tribe, and the Ugli-Thugs. A Visithug spilling Big-Boobied Bertha's pint started a feud with the Bog-Burglars, while simple aggressive behavior and dislike started feuds with the Meatheads and Outcasts. It is not mentioned why the Bashem Oiks have a blood feud with the Ugli-Thugs, but that tribe does deal with slaves, so this might have something to do with it. Later, however, the Bashem Oiks were listed among the tribes that had chosen to support the Dragonmarkers and Hiccup, who exhibited strong opposition to the practice of slavery. Although the Alvinsmen were mentioned to have included several Bashem Oiks among their ranks, most of the tribe chose to support Hiccup's claim to the throne.


How to Speak Dragonese[]

Bashem Oiks are also listed on the blood feud diagram seen in this Book.

How to Twist a Dragon's Tale[]

The Bashem Oiks were among the tribes that arrived on Berk to be part of The Thing. They partied alongside Bog Burglars, making loud noises that bothered Toothless.


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